Wednesday 26 October 2011

The Epistolary Novel!

After researching for this weeks presentation, I found what is considered the first  Epistolary Novel: "Pamela" by Samuel Richardson.

This novel was immensely popular when it was published in 1741, and even led to a "Pamela" craze!The novel is written in the form of letters, written from Pamela to her parents--long and sometimes dull letters, if it weren't for all the drama contained in them.

Pamela is a fifteen year old servant girl who is very beautiful and virtuous. In fact, she manages to maintain her virtue (hint: virginity) throughout an ordeal that includes the  unwanted sexual advances of her master Mr. B. In fact this man goes so far as to spy on her, read her letters, fondle her, attempt to force himself on her, kidnap her, speak roughly to her, etc, etc, etc--which, by the way, we learn from her own hand, as she is the one writing these details in long letters to her poor frightened parents.

Finally, she marries him. How did that happen? I thought charges and an arrest might be in order after the way Mr. B acted. Sigh, I guess its only 1741, after all. And in Pamela's own words, she was but a "poor weak girl" who also happens to be a "dutiful daughter" and a virtuous girl!

Thankfully, we have Eliza Haywood, who wrote the satirical response to Richardson's story of virtue--"Anti-Pamela; or, Feigned Innocence Detected," which chronicles the lives of a mother/daughter con artist team who make attempts to trick men into marrying the beautiful daughter, Syrena Tricksy, so that they might be able to secure a wealthy financial future for themselves.

This leads me to think, however, what a true epistolary form would like in the 21st century--a series of texts, tweets, emails and sticky note letters? Hardly anyone writes letters to one another nowadays. At least not in the form that Pamela wrote them.

That brings me to "The Best of Betty" which is a contemporary take on the epistolary novel, obviously a shorter version, in the form of letters to an advice columnist who has her own style of giving advice (maybe Anti-Dear Abby)?

Until tomorrow,

Jaa Mata!!


Saturday 22 October 2011

Writing publicly

Writing publicly...what does it mean, really? As an Aboriginal person I want to focus the majority of my writing on Aboriginal issues. This is an area that is very important to me. And by Aboriginal issues I don't mean to limit myself to only the larger issues but I want to bring attention to the seemingly smaller things. One of these things is the division between traditional First Nation's people and those First Nation's people who choose to follow the Christian faith.  For Aboriginal people, due to experiences with the residential school system, there are strong connotations of hatred associated with Christianity.  Christianity was responsibile for the systematic rape, murder, abuse and assimilation of our people, our culture and our children. So why on earth would any First Nation's person convert to Christianity?  Yet, it has happened and, now, Aboriginal Christians are often regarded as traitors to their own culture and people. Now, to be sure, there is some understanding--but often, there remains strong tension between a traditional First Nation's person and an Aboriginal Christian.

This is a very difficult topic. How do I write it? How do I write it for a public audience?  How would the public receive it? And, more importantly, how do I write it truthfully and objectively, while respecting both sides?

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Writing badly

Inspired by my classmate Jessie's link to "writing uninspirations," I've decided to come up with some of my own writing uninspirations:

1. The sun rose up into the sky as though it were climbing a ladder of clouds.
2. She danced fiercly. The porridge, meanwhile, burned on the stove, also fiercely.
3. Hitherto, I was unaware of any form pressing itself against the lens of my livelihood. That is, until it shattered the glass, turning my exuberance into the pinnacle of my despondancy.
4. Joe walked up the stairs in silence, the betrayal of his lovesick heart beating in rhythm with each ascending step he took.
5. Like a metaphorical knife in my back symbolizes betrayal, the real knife in my back also symbolizes betrayal.

Well, there you go. Jessie's link reminded me of various literary contests to write the worst sentence. They are often called "Bad Writing Contests" and "Worst Sentence Contests." I've searched and found a link here:


Happy writing!

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Finding my own style....

In my creative writing, that is, the writing that I am currently writing for my class--I cannot, as of yet, find the finished pieces I am looking for. That is, even though I have written a complete five page story, something still seems to lack.

All my life, I wanted to write. The only difference now is that I really want to write. Not just emotions. I don't want to skim the surface--I want to dive in. I want to find my own style.

And I'm finding the process of discovering that style a bit painful. It certainly doesn't come easy.

For example, assignment # 3 felt both forced and natural. Some parts came easily. I couldn't stop typing. Other parts were the result of a determined effort to write about something I wasn't very familar with. Nevertheless, the process was worth it. Even if the end product is something  that showed only the beginnings of the kind of writer I hope to be.

Now, back to studying....

Jaa Mata (See you later!)

Monday 3 October 2011

Writing a Character is like....

I had a lot of fun creating a character for my first story this semester. I remember thinking about his home, his interests, his dislikes, his quirkiness. I enjoyed creating something unique. And it was my creation. I made him.

So, I think, writing a character is like.....

an act of creation.

But what if I needed to write sadness or darkness or death? What if I had to kill my character or watch him die with a few words? A part of me would die with him...even though he is only a character--only words on paper, a fragment of my creativity.

Is it wierd that I feel attached to my writing in this way?